How Much will Energy Cost This Winter?
The average gas bill in the UK in 2024 is around £960 a year. This is a frightening amount because as the cost of living pushes up food and other costs. there is a temptation to cut back on heating your home during the winter months.
The situation is even more desperate for pensioners who have been used to a generous government subsidy. the Winter Fuel Payment. This was worth between £200 – £600 but was withdrawn for most seniors in July 2024, by the incoming Labour government.
What Can I Do About Energy Costs this Winter?
The key is to plan ahead and try to save money during the summer to save on winter energy bills. During a heatwave, the thought of a freezing winter may seem far off but as well as planning ahead. Insulation is important, good insulation will drive down heating costs.
However, there is another way. If you have an open fire or a wood burner you could heat your home by burning logs.
How Much Does it Cost to Install a Woodburner?
The cost of installation will depend upon the age and type of building. Crucially it will depend on whether there is a chimney and whether that chimney needs to be lined. Basically (2024) it costs around £3,000 to buy and install a burner in a property with a pre-existing chimney. However, if a flue system needs to be installed then bills will rise to around £2500+.
Check the price of wood burning stoves at Amazon.
How Much Does it Cost to Burn Logs all Winter?
Assuming you run a 5kw wood burner all through the winter, you will likely require around 3.0 cubic meters of mixed hardwood logs, which can cost around £390.
Local firewood suppliers may be cheaper but logs bought locally may have a higher moisture content than premium kiln dried Ash or Oak.
There is a big variation in prices so shop around. Buying bags of logs from your local corner shop or garage is probably the most expensive way of buying logs.
The beauty of logs is that you can still literally pick them up for free!
However, even if you buy logs in bags from the local garage, heating your home with a wood burning stove will still be considerably cheaper than either gas, electricity or heating oil.